Since it's a faraway land (lol), I decided to go there even before the wedding. If you'll be in Bicol, too, you'll definitely take the chance and enjoy it, right?
Originally, I am supposed to bring my boyfriend since the groom knows and been with him every team building that we had. Un/fortunately, he got a job and started last January and just like every other regular jobs, he can't take a leave just yet. I'm already harassing him to just try and ask since they're done with training by then and already taking in calls but still, it's a long shot. I'm not even sure if he will still going to try asking. :( I asked another friend of mine to accompany me, too, after finding out my dilemma but she backed out because of the expenses. Since it's far, we were thinking of spending around 10k for travel, accommodation, food and pasalubong. The couple will pay for our food and hotel accommodation starting Wednesday, Thursday would be the wedding, until Saturday but because of the plan that we're going there before the wedding itself, we still need money for additional accommodation and such. So... looks like I'll be travelling solo. :(
I have other friends, my previous agents, who will be attending the wedding, too, but I don't know yet when they will come or how they will go there -- via air or land. It's what has been bugging me, really.
Yesterday, I already booked a flight since there are only 3 seats available for P399 promo for Monday, April 21. Luckily for me, I got it but I ended up paying for almost 2k! Let's blame it on me being inexperienced. I haven't tried riding a plane and I've never booked a flight for anybody. I was only expecting that aside from the P399 promo that I need to pay, there will still be add-ons such as taxes. There were travel insurance, baggage allowance and seat locator. Since I don't know much, I ticked them all. I got travel insurance, without thinking that I do have a health card. I took the baggage allowance because I don't really have skills to pack and I might need it but really, I should just learn to pack light. Lastly, I got reserved seats just because I want to seat beside the window. I could have saved P250 for travel insurance and P180 for baggage but since I was excited in booking, there you go! Hahahahaha.
Just this morning, I was looking for a place to stay in Legazpi and found out about Agoda. Like what I have mentioned, I really don't have much experience with going too far from Manila. I take charge with team buildings and outings but getting hotels and whatnots? Darn. So, I kept on searching through the website until I gave in and booked one in Agoda. I was about to book for one person only but then, I'm still not giving up with the chance of having someone to be with me so I booked for two! I was hoping it will be for P500 only but of course, since I might be travelling solo, it's not cheaper than what I wanted. If ever that I will share my room with another person, it will definitely be cheaper! I only got the room for P771.32 and I don't need to pay it before April 12. Although it's a standard non-aircon room and it will be summer when I will go there, I believe I can manage in a room with no aircon although I admit I've been thinking of getting the one with aircon. I was about to book another hotel once I go back to Legazpi from Masbate but I decided not to get one unless I already booked my flight back to Manila.
There are 2 flights with P399 promo back to Manila and these are on a Monday and Tuesday. Of course, I can't pick the Tuesday since I should be back to work on a Monday but I'm really not sure if I will be booking the one on Monday. Should I book it now? *sigh* I'll leave it and wait until next weekend. I hope the P399 promo is still there because it will surely help me out with finances and once done with booking the flight, I'll book another one for the accommodation. I just talked to the groom and he mentioned that it's fine to stay at Masbate until Sunday so I will really stay at the hotel at Legazpi for one night before my flight back to Manila.
So... am I ready to go solo on this trip? I'll definitely go solo on the flight and I'm scared as early as now since I'm scared to get lost. But then.... que sera sera! Whatever will be, will be!
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