There are things I wanted to share, I wanted to voice out and I wanted to write here... But I know I can't or I'm not supposed to.
This blog is not only for my amusement purposes or for any selfish reason. This blog is own by public merely because I choose to post it online. As much as I want to talk about how I feel towards other people or how I think about them, not every thought bubble is worth bursting. Just like Rai's favorite law of power: Reputation.
We shouldn't care about what other people think of us. We shouldn't mind at all. But what if it jeopardizes you? Then we're definitely talking about something else now, right?
As much as I want to share things here, you don't need to know. It might only taint our relationship: friendship, acquaintance or being lovers? I'll just keep it on my bubble and I'll decide carefully to whom will I burst it with. That's also the reason why you're not limited to one friend only, right? Especially if you're only in for some advice and you don't want them to be judgmental in a way because they know the person you're talking about.
If I create this blog and will have it private or I'll choose few people to read it, it's the same way I'll treat myself to others: won't be open for public and will be comfortably stuck in a bubble of make-believe. And I sure don't want that. That's why I'll just be careful. Hehe!
Someone I know said, "You don't need to know my battles to compare it with your own." It's the same with moving on - we all have our own ways -- some sleep a lot, eat a lot or talk a lot while some takes a day, a month or a year to get over it. Never judge a person coz you don't know what they're going through.
Nonetheless, keep visiting! At least you'll still have a glimpse of what I'm going through.. Or what's on my mind. I know you'll still find something to waste your time with.
I just really want to voice out that I want to say something but I can't. Haha. At least that's a part of me that I open up. By continuing this blog, I'm opening up something to the public. It's nice to open up every now and awhile, y'know? How about you? Try opening yourself up to other people! That will definitely be a breath of fresh air.
Nakaka-artista! Hahaha. :D