Wednesday, February 5, 2014


As early as now, I'll be honest with you. I'm no writer and I'm more of a reader. Reading interests me that I try reading different kind of books though I have my own favorites depending on my mood. I love watching movies though there are instances that I have a short span of watching that I probably got from watching series that only need 30 minutes of your time. So, why blog?

I've always wanted to blog. I feel like by blogging, I am able to hone my vocabulary (what??) or simply practice my English. I'm more comfortable speaking my first language, Tagalog, but I feel like I tend to be mushy or corny when I blog using that language. I downloaded journal applications to satisfy my blog craving but to no avail, I stopped. I observed that I only write when I have no one to share it to like when most of the people that I talk to are busy just like during the past yuletide season. Once we're back to regular programming, regular work week, I'm back to not writing on my journal application. So I'll probably try blogging here and see if it'll make a difference.

I also remember one of my friends, Mina, telling me she'll block me coz I'm so demanding for asking her to update her blog. Also, yesterday, Patty noticed that I mentioned they, together with Lhouie and Mina, don't update their blogs that much. So probably I'll understand them better if I'll keep this blog. Haha. Now I'm having second thoughts because they might bully me. Lol

Oh! Last disclaimer: I'm blogging using my Blackberry qwerty pad and it'll be hard to mind the blog template and such. So just bare with it. I might probably waste my time one of these days personalizing it but for now? Never mind. No design and visuals for now.

There. Let's start bursting my thought bubble!


  1. Yeeeaaaah! Cheers to more stories and tsismis! :)

  2. At ngayon ko lang nakita comment mo dahil nag desktop ako. Booo! :))))
